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iPhone 15 Pro iOS 17 DFU Error 1699 isn’t talked about enough!

The newest addition to the iPhone family as well as the seventeenth iteration of the OS build are both bugged with quite a lot of issues. If we talk about the hardware side, then the overheating of the Pro series and the device getting bricked have grabbed all the limelight, and obviously not for the right reasons. On the software side, many system apps aren’t functioning along the expected lines either. And now, we have another concerning entry to this list.

iPhone 15 Pro iOS 17 DFU Error 1699

dfu error 1669 iphone 15 pro ios 17

DFU or Device Firmware Upgrade mode comes in handy if you wish to unbrick your device or want to perform a clean OS installation. However, as of now, we wouldn’t recommend you opt for this method. Numerous users have tried using the DFU on their iPhone 15 Pro/Max running the latest iOS 17 build but are instead greeted with Error 1699 right during the start of the recovery phase itself. The complete error message is something along the following lines:

iOS cannot be restored on this iPhone.
Can't restore Port DFU device with NULL prepared boot options
[com.apple.MobileDevice.MobileRestore - 0х0 (0)]

How to Fix iPhone 15 Pro iOS 17 DFU Error 1699

dfu error 1669 iphone 15 pro ios 17

To rectify this issue, we have tried numerous workarounds, including but not limited to trying out DFU on macOS Ventura and Sonoma and even on a Windows PC but to no avail. Likewise, using both the USB-C USB-C and USB-C USB-A cable didn’t work out either.  So as of now, there doesn’t seem to be any workaround that might help you rectify the DFU Error 1699 on iPhone 15 Pro running the latest iOS 17. [which is 17.0.2 at the time of writing].

One of the users has shared the below workaround through which they were able to rectify this issue:

“If you successfully get into the DFU mode and receive error 1669 like I did leave your phone plugged in and press volume up volume down and hold the side button till the Apple logo appears. Stay plugged in and check your Mac for a popup hiding behind Finder stating you need to download something to communicate with your iPhone. Let it download whatever it is and try the process again. That’s what made it go through for me”.

Moreover, please double-check that you are indeed in DFU Mode and not Recovery Mode. Many users were mistakenly carrying out the downgrade process assuming that they were in DFU Mode when infact they were in Recovery Mode and hence were greeted with the DFU Error 1699 on their iPhone 15 Pro running iOS 17.

With that said, as soon as there is any further development, we will update this post accordingly. In the meantime, please consider filing the bug report to Apple so that they can get notified of the same and act the earliest because as of now, on a handful of users are facing this issue, so it might take a while before the Cupertino giant is made aware of this bug, let along release a patch of the same.
