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Pass Device, Basic, Strong Integrity via Play Integrity Fix

[UPDATE: You can now pass the Strong Integrity Test as well!] In this guide, we will show you the steps to pass the “Meets Device Integrity” and Meets Basic Integrity” tests on your rooted device via the Play Integrity Fix module. Gaining administrative privileges by rooting your device via Magisk opens the floodgates to a plethora of customizations. But on the flip side, it does pave the way for the entry of a few issues as well, the primary among which is the tripping of SafetyNet.

Once that happens, you wouldn’t be able to use banking and payments, and even the likes of Uber and McDonald’s! So to rectify it, we already have got ourselves covered with a comprehensive guide on how you could pass the SafetyNet Test. After carrying out all the steps listed there, you’ll be able to easily use all the aforementioned listed apps. So this then begs an important question- why is there a need to pass the “Meets Device Integrity” and Meets Basic Integrity” tests? Let’s find out.

What is Play Integrity?

play integrity fix module

Play Integrity is an API that is used by numerous applications to determine the device’s compatibility and security state. At the time of writing, many apps still use the SafetyTest, but many apps are ditching this tool and moving towards Play Integrity, with January 2025 being the deadline set by Google.

Once that time frame is reached and apps haven’t yet adopted Play Integrity, then there wouldn’t be any impact on your side [infact you will be the beneficiary as apps wouldn’t be able to check if your device is rooted or not, hence you’ll be able to use banking apps even on a rooted device!].

What is the Difference between Play Integrity and SafetyTest

Most of the underlying aspects of both the Play Integrity and SafetyNet are near about similar, it’s just the responses that have been made a bit simpler in the former. But the major differences arise in the types of tests being conducted and more importantly, the results that you would be obtaining. As far as the SafetyNet tests are concerned, there exists the Basic Integrity and CTS Profile Match, and your device should pass both of these tests.

play integrity fix

However, things aren’t the same on the other side of the fence. In Play Integrity, there are three tests performed- MEETS_DEVICE_INTEGRITY, MEETS_BASIC_INTEGRITY, and MEETS_STRONG_INTEGRITY, out of which your device should pass the MEETS_DEVICE_INTEGRITY and MEETS_BASIC_INTEGRITY. But why not the Strong Integrity?

play integrity fix pass

Well, your device will not be able to pass the MEETS_STRONG_INTEGRITY until and unless the device’s bootloader is locked. Since that is not a possibility [because you cannot lock the bootloader on a rooted device], this test will always fail on your rooted device. However, do note that this wouldn’t conflict with your ability to use banking and payment apps on rooted devices as they only require you to pass the “Meets Device Integrity” and Meets Basic Integrity” tests.

How to Pass ‘Meets Device and Basic Integrity’ Tests

YouTube video

Let’s now get started with the most important part of this guide- the steps to pass the “Meets Device Integrity” and Meets Basic Integrity” tests on your rooted device. Before starting, please take a backup of all the data on your device, just to be on the safer side. Droidwin and its members wouldn’t be held responsible in case of a thermonuclear war, your alarm doesn’t wake you up, or if anything happens to your device and data by performing the below steps.

NOTE: Apart from failing in the rooted stock ROM, the Play Integrity might also fail if you are using a non-rooted Custom ROM. In that case, you will first have to root your custom ROM and then proceed with the below steps. While rooting might create some additional issues with banking apps, but we will deal with that later on in this guide, let’s first pass the Play Integrity Test. So root your ROM and only then proceed with the below steps.

How to Pass Basic, Device, and Strong Play Integrity [NEW]

Earlier, we could only pass the basic and device integrity. But now, we can even pass the Strong Integrity as well. While most of the banking apps still don’t require you to pass this third test, but there have been a few that do. Moreover, it is only a matter of time before this Strong Integrity becomes a requirement as well. So let’s pass it right away and be on the safer side. For that, do check out our guide on How to Pass Strong Integrity on an Unlocked Bootloader Rooted Device!

pass strong integrity
Finally, the victory is ours!

How to Pass Basic and Device Play Integrity [Old]

The below steps are for those devices that are rooted via Magisk. If your is rooted via KernelSU, then scroll further down the guide and head over to the “Pass Play Integrity when Rooted via KernelSU” section.

  1. Launch the Magisk App and tap on the settings icon situated at the top right.
  2. Then tap on Hide the Magisk App > Enable the toggle next to Allow apps from this source.play integrity fix
  3. Assign a new random name to this Magisk app and hit OK.
  4. It will now ask for a home-screen shortcut, tap OK [recommended].play integrity fix
  5. Then enable the toggle next to Enforce Denylist. Now tap on Configure Denylist.play integrity fix
  6. Then expand the following apps and checkmark all its services
    Google Play Service
    Google Play Store
    Google Service Framework
    Google Play Protect Service [if present]

    play integrity fix

  7. Likewise, do the same for the banking/payment apps of your choice.
  8. Once done, again go to Magisk’s settings menu and enable Zygisk.
    play integrity fix
  9. Now download the “latest version” [extremely important] of the Play Integrity Fix Module from GitHub.
  10. Then flash the module via Magisk and restart your device.play integrity fix
  11. Now delete the data of the Google Services Framework, Play Store, Play Service, and Play Protect Service [if present].play integrity fix
  12. Finally, delete the data of the banking/payment app of your choice.play integrity fix
  13. Once done, restart your device [compulsory] and then check out the result.

That’s it. Your rooted device should now pass both the “Meets Device Integrity” and Meets Basic Integrity” tests and you may verify the same via the steps given below. If you are still failing the test, then it means that the custom fingerprint that the module is using has been patched by Google. In that case, you should head over to our next section below. [Credits for this module: XDA Senior Member chiteroman].

Using Custom Fingerprints/Build.Prop JSON File to Pass Play Integrity

Google has picked up the pace and is quickly patching the fingerprints for many devices. While the developer is doing his best to update his module with a newer one, but there doesn’t seem to be any end to this cat-and-mouse game the module is also open source, so Google is able to easily view the fingerprint that is being used and it ends up patching it!].

Use Custom Fingerprint/Build.Prop to Pass Play Integrity Test

If you pick up a less popular & old device’s fingerprint and create a custom JSON file, you could then easily pass the Play Integrity test, though it requires a few hit-and-trial approaches, but it will be worthy of an effort. Moreover, if you take this approach, then the chances of Google patching that fingerprint are quite low. So if the aforementioned module isn’t giving out the desired results, then you may try out our above guide and create your own fingerprint.

How to Pass Play Integrity on Rooted Android Without PC!

Thanks to a new fork of the Play Integrity module by Chiteroman, you might be able to pass the Play Integrity Test even without using a PC, just via a single APK file! You just have to launch the app once and it will auto-generate a new fingerprint, implement it onto your device, and delete the data of GMS. Once that happens, you have to restart your device and check if you pass this test [explained in the next section].

If you don’t, then simply relaunch the app- it will again generate a new fingerprint and implement it on your device. You’ll have to keep on doing so until you can pass the test. So with that in mind, here’s how to use this app:

Via FP Downloader

  1. To begin with, enable Zygisk from the Magisk’s settings menu.
  2. Then download the playcurl.zip and Play Integrity Fix modules.
  3. After that, launch Magisk, go to Modules, and tap on Install from Storage.
  4. Now select the playcurl.zip mod and hit OK in the confirmation prompt.Pass Play Integrity on Rooted Android Without PC
  5. The module will be flashed. Now flash the Play Integrity Fix module.
  6. Once done, restart your device. Now, go to Settings > Apps > See All Apps.
  7. Then select Fp Downloader > Notifications and enable all the notifications.
  8. Now launch Fp Downloader and you’ll get a Magisk prompt, tap on Grant.Pass Play Integrity on Rooted Android Without PC
  9. Likewise, you’ll also get a notification that the new pif.json is implemented.
  10. Once that happens, check if your device is passing the Play Integrity or not.
  11. If it isn’t, then once again open the Fp Downloader and check out the result.

Note: You may also launch the app via a slightly more technical method, i.e. using Terminal. Here’s how:

  1. Download and install the Termux app from the Play Store.
  2. Then type in the below command and hit Grant in the SuperUser request.
  3. Now just type in the below command to invoke the module.

    Pass Play Integrity on Rooted Android Without PC

  4. The module will now run and change the device’s fingerprint.
  5. Once that happens, check if you are passing the test or not.
  6. If you’re not, then again type in fp. Do so until you pass the test.

Via AutoPIF-Next

It also works on the same principle as the aforementioned one. When the Fingerprint is banned, you will only need to open the AutoPIF app and then check for Play Integrity Attestation, the app will download the new PIF.json on /data/adb/pif.json.

  1. To begin with, enable Zygisk from the Magisk’s settings menu.
  2. Then download the playcurl.zip and Play Integrity Fix modules.
  3. After that, launch Magisk, go to Modules, and tap on Install from Storage.
  4. Now select the playcurl.zip mod and hit OK in the confirmation prompt.Pass Play Integrity on Rooted Android Without PC
  5. The module will be flashed. Now flash the Play Integrity Fix module.
  6. Once done, restart your device and install the AutoPIF-Next app.
  7. Then go to Settings > Apps > All Apps > AutoPIF-Next > Notifications and enable all the notifications.
  8. Now launch AutoPIF-Next and you’ll get a Magisk prompt, tap on Grant.
  9. Likewise, you’ll also get a notification that the new pif.json is implemented.
  10. Once that happens, check if your device is passing the Play Integrity or not.
  11. If it isn’t, then once again open AutoPIF-Next and check out the result.

Using Custom Fingerprint/Build.prop to Pass SafetyNet

if the aforementioned method didn’t spell out success, then it could be attributed to the fact that Google has patched that fingerprint/build.prop. In such cases, you will have to get hold of the fingerprint/build.prop from a less popular device+firmware version that hasn’t been used by many [a few Chinese phones out there in the market might checkmark this requirement].

Use Custom Fingerprint/Build.Prop to Pass Play Integrity Test

In this regard, there are three different methods of getting this job done- one click, automatic, and manual. Go through each of them once listed in the above guide and then try out the one that is in sync with your requirement.

How to Pass Play Integrity when Rooted via KernelSU

YouTube video

If you have rooted your device via KernelSU instead of Magisk, then passing the Play Integrity Test involves a slightly different approach. This is because enabling Zygisk is one of the paramount prerequisites of the Play Integrity Fix module but since KernelSU doesn’t have it built-in, we will have to take the help of a module to get this job done. Follow along:

  1. First off, download the Zygisk Next module from its GitHub page.
  2. Then launch KernelSU, go to Modules, and hit the Install button.
  3. Select the Zygisk Next module and it will be flashed on your device. Pass Play Integrity KernelSU
  4. Now, download the Play Integrity Fix module from its GitHub page.
  5. Similarly, flash this module as well and after that restart your device.Pass Play Integrity KernelSU
  6. Now, delete the data from the following Google Apps [it’s compulsory]
    Google Play Store
    Google Play Service
    Google Play Protect Service
    Google Services Framework [if present]
  7. Finally, restart your device once again and then check out the results.Pass Play Integrity KernelSU

How to Pass Play Integrity via APatch

YouTube video

If you have obtained root via APatch, then the process to pass the Play Integrity test will be somewhat different when compared with Magisk [because as opposed to the latter, the former does not have a built-in Zygisk]. On the flip side, both the KernelSU and APatch follow the same approach to pass this test [as they both have the same kernel approach for rooting and neither of them comes with a built-in Zygisk]

  1. First off, download the Zygisk Next module from its GitHub page.
  2. Then launch APatch, go to Modules, and tap on the Load button.
  3. Select the Zygisk Next module and it will be flashed on your device.pass play integrity apatch
  4. Now, download the Play Integrity Fix module from its GitHub page.
  5. Similarly, flash this module as well and then restart your device.pass play integrity apatch
  6. Now, delete the data from the following Google Apps [it’s compulsory]
    Google Play Store
    Google Play Service
    Google Services Framework 
    Google Play Protect Service [if present]
  7. Finally, restart your device once again and then check out the results.pass play integrity apatch

How to Pass Play Integrity via Magisk Kitsune

YouTube video

Magisk Kitsune is an unofficial fork that beholds a few additional tweaks when compared with its official counterpart. Some of the noteworthy ones include the likes of MagiskHide, SuList, and the new Zygisk loading mechanism. So if you have obtained root via Kitsune and are looking to pass the Play Integrity/SafetyNet test, then the steps are slightly different from the official Magisk app and hence we have decided to compile it separately. Follow along.

  1. Launch the Magisk Kitsune App and tap on the settings icon situated at the top right.
  2. Then tap on Hide the Magisk App > Enable the toggle next to Allow apps from this source.magisk kitsune pass play integrity
  3. Assign a new random name to this Magisk app and hit OK.
  4. It will now ask for a home-screen shortcut, tap OK [recommended].play integrity fix
  5. Now enable the toggle next to MagiskHide and go to Configure MagiskHide.magisk kitsune pass play integrity
  6. Then checkmark the following apps [and all their associated services too]
    Google Play Store 
    Google Play Service 
    Google Play Protect Service 
    Google Services Framework [if present]
    Banking/Payment Apps of your choice
  7. Now download the  Play Integrity Fix Module from GitHub and flash it via Kitsune.
    play integrity fix
  8. Then delete the data of the following apps:
    Google Play Store
    Google Play Service
    Google Play Protect Service
    Google Services Framework [if present]
    Banking/Payment Apps of your choice

    play integrity fix

  9. Finally, restart your device [compulsory] and then check out the result.
  10. You should now pass both the Play Integrity as well as SafetyNet tests.magisk kitsune pass play integrity

How to Check if my Device is passing Play Integrity Test

There are two different methods of checking if your device is passing the Play Integrity Test or not- via Play Store and using a third-party app. Let’s make you aware of both these approaches:

Via Play Store

  1. Launch Play Store > tap on your profile at the top right > Settings > About.
  2. Now tap on Play Store version 8 times. This will enable Developer Options.
  3. Then go to Settings > General > Developer options > tap on Check integrity.pass 'Meets Device and Basic Integrity' via Play Integrity Fix

Using Third-Party Apps

You could also get this job done via third-party apps like Play Integrity API Checker [which only checks for Play Integrity] and TB Checker [which would additionally check for traces of rooted apps present on your device].

play integrity fix


As mentioned before, as long as your device’s bootloader is unlocked, it will fail the MEETS_STRONG_INTEGRITY check. That is not a cause of any concern as you’ll still be able to use the banking apps without any issues. But if for some reason, you wish to pass this test, then your only course of action is to remove all modules, unroot your device, and then relock the bootloader.

play integrity fix

My Device is Passing SafetyNet but I Cannot Use Banking Apps

If your device is passing SafetyNet and you still cannot use a banking or payment app, then this is happening because that app has already ditched this test and moved over to Play Integrity. So you’ll now have to pass the Play Integrity test to be able to use the app again.

play integrity fix

That’s it. These were the steps to pass the “Meets Device Integrity” and Meets Basic Integrity” tests on your rooted device via the Play Integrity Fix module. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.

How to Pass Play Integrity Test on Xiaomi EU ROM

Passing the Play Integrity Test on your Xiaomi EU ROM might be a tad bit different. So do refer to our below-linked guide [with video instructions] to get this job done:

Google Pay not working in Xiaomi EU ROM: Play Integrity Fix
