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Pixel swipe up to home screen via gesture pill not working

Swipe up to the home screen via gesture pill is either unresponsive or not working for many Pixel users. Ever since the gesture navigation style was introduced in the Android ecosystem, many users adopted it straightaway ditching the traditional old 2 or 3-button navigation. However, as of late, users are considering returning back to this old style, because even though it is old school, it at least worked!

Swipe up gesture not working pixel

Ever since the third QPR of Android 12 till the latest Android 13 December update, there’s as an issue bugging the gesture pill, especially on Pixel devices. It tends to become unresponsive and users are unable to perform a swipe up to access the Home or Recents screen. Even though they get the haptic feedback of the same but the gesture doesn’t work. In some cases, they’re able to perform a back swipe gesture but that’s just about it. So is there a fix? Let’s check it out.

Swipe up to Home Screen via gesture pill unresponsive/not working on Pixel

Swipe up gesture not working pixel

Unfortunately, it has been close to 10 months, and even though the developers are aware of it, they haven’t rolled out any patch nor there does seem to be any urgency of the same, at least judging by the current status in Google’s Issue tracker page. So to speed up the process, it is highly recommended that you send them a bug report using the below-listed steps and at the below-mentioned link at the earliest. More the number of user complaints, the faster the chances of it getting rectified.

  1. Head over to Settings > About Phone and tap on Build Number 7 times.
  2. Then go to System > Developer Options > Enable USB Debugging [optional].
  3. Now scroll down and enable the toggle next to Bug Report Shortcut.Swipe up gesture not working pixel
  4. Then long press the power button to bring up the Power menu and select Bug Report.Swipe up gesture not working pixel
  5. The bug report will start generating and while that is happening, it is highly recommended that you try and reproduce that issue.Swipe up gesture not working pixel
  6. Once the report has been generated, you will be notified of the same in the notifications panel. Tap on it to share it.Swipe up gesture not working pixel
  7. Upload the file to Google Drive and then share the folder to [email protected].
  8. Once that is done, share the Drive link with the developers on Google’s Issue tracker page for that specific bug.

That’s it. As of now, this is your best bet when it comes to addressing the issue of the swipe up to the home screen via gesture pill unresponsive/not working on Pixel devices. As soon as there is any further development surrounding the same, we will update this post accordingly. So stay tuned!
