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Instagram “Ingress timeout, stream ID” Error: How to Fix

In this guide, we will show you the steps to fix the Instagram “Ingress timeout, stream ID” error. When it comes to social media platforms, then this offering from Meta is currently reigning supreme, and whether one likes it or not, Reels has been a major force in its rise to popularity. However, it seems Instagram isn’t able to handle this sudden influx of users, with reports of its server going down being a common occurrence nowadays.

Instagram Ingress timeout stream ID

Apart from that, there are a slew of other issues that users are getting bugged with on a regular basis. As of now, many of them have voiced their concern that they are getting the “Ingress timeout, stream ID” error when trying to log in to their Instagram account. In this regard, there are two sets of users- those who could access their account momentarily for a few minutes and the ones who cannot do so even for a second.

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This inability of the users to access their accounts is resulting in a great deal of inconvenience to the end users, as well as losses to many businesses whose major functionalities revolve around this service. If you are also in the same boat, then this guide shall help you out. Follow along for the fix.

Fix Instagram “Ingress timeout, stream ID” Error

Instagram Ingress timeout stream ID

One major reason why you might be getting this error is that Instagram has flagged your story or post as inappropriate [owning to the feedback from many users]. So it is recommended to delete that post from your profile right away. Or if you believe that it has been incorrectly flagged, then you should submit your review to the team. Here’s how it could be done [unfortunately, this fix only applies to the users who are able to access their account]

  1. Launch Instagram and head over to your profile.
  2. Then tap on the hamburger menu situated at the top right and select Settings.
  3. Now go to Account > Account Status and select the flagged content.Instagram Ingress timeout stream ID
  4. Then explain your side of the story in a convincing manner and hit Submit for Review.
    NOTE: You will have to tap on Submit for Review for around 5-10 times as it is currently bugged!
  5. If everything goes well, you will be notified about the “post reviewed” and you could log in to your account without any error.

That’s it. As of now, this is the only workaround that is spelling out success for the users when it comes to fixing the Instagram “Ingress timeout, stream ID” error. As far as the official stance on this matter is concerned, the developers are yet to acknowledge this issue, let alone give out any ETA for the rollout of a fix. As and when any of these two things happen, we will update this guide accordingly. In the meantime, the aforementioned workaround is your best bet.
