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Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8

In this guide, we will show you the steps to perform a crossflash and bypass the OPID Mismatched error in LG G8. Things are becoming quite blurry in the custom development for LG devices. And the recent announcement that they are stopping the bootloader unlock process from the start of next year is yet another blot to its name. Along the same lines, cross flashing firmware has never been an easy process, especially for LG devices.

Add OPID to it, and things only takes turn for the worse. Well, even flashing a custom ROM would now require you to modify the OPID in the OP partition using HxD editor. Fortunately, there now exist a handy method through which you could easily crossflash and bypass the OPID Mismatched error in LG G8. You wouldn’t even need an unlocked bootloader or a rooted device. So without any further ado, let’s get started.

How to Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8

Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8

The below process will wipe off all the data on your device, so please take a backup beforehand. Droidwin and its members wouldn’t be held responsible in case of a thermonuclear war, your alarm doesn’t wake you up, or if anything happens to your device and data by performing the below steps.

STEP 1: Download and Install the Required Tools

  1. To begin with, download the QPST and Qualcomm USB Driver Package.
  2. Then extract it and double click on the QPST 2.7.496.1.exe file to install the QPST Tool.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  3. Once done, go to the Drivers folder and install the Qualcomm USB Drivers.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  4. After that, download the LGUP Lab Frame v1.16.0.3 and proceed with the on-screen instructions to install it.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  5. Now launch File Explorer via Windows+E shortcut and head over to the LGUP installation directory, which is:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\LG Electronics\LGUP
  6. Go to the “model” folder and create a folder named “common” within that model folder.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  7. After that, download the “LGUP_Common.dll” and “UI_Config.lgl” files and move both these files to that “common” folder.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  8. Now download the LG Mobile Driver 4.4.2 and proceed with the on-screen instructions to install it.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  9. Finally, download the LGE SM8150 Firehose file.

With this, we have installed all the necessary tools [Credits: XDA Senior Member netmsm]. Let’s now start off with the steps to crossflash and bypass the OPID Mismatched error in LG G8.

STEP 2: Load the Firehose File

  1. Head over to the Start Menu, search QFIL, and open it.
  2. Then go to the Configuration tab and select Firehose Configuration.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  3. After that, change the “Device Type” to UFS and click OK to save it.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  4. Then select Flat Build under Select Build Type.
  5. Next up, click on the Browse button under Select Programmer Path, navigate to the LGE SM8150 Firehose file and select it.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  6. Once done, connect your device to the PC via USB cable and boot it into the EDL Mode.
  7. After that, click on the Select Port button, select your device from the list, and hit OK.

STEP 3: Backup and Erase Device Partitions

We will now have to delete the following seven partitions: FTM, Modem_A, Modem_B, SID_A, SID_B, OP_A, OP_B. But before that, let’s taKe their backup, just to be on the safer side.

  1. First off, go to Tools and select Partition Manager from the menu.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  2. Then select a partition from the list, right-click on it, and select Manage partition Data.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  3. You will now get four options, let’s understand what each of them means:
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8

    • Erase: use this to erase the data on the selected partition
    • Read Data: Use this to backup the current partition
    • Load Image: To restore the backed-up partition
    • Close: Close the current window
  4. So first off, select Read Data to backup the partition then use the Erase option to wipe the data on that partition. Do so for all the seven partitions listed above.
  5. Once done, close the Partition Manager. Then press the Vol Down and Power keys together until the device is about to restart.
  6. As soon as it is trying to boot up, release both the Vol- and Power buttons and press the Volume Up to boot into the Download Mode.

Do not let the device start the process of booting otherwise, it will fill up the partition data and you will have to retry the aforementioned steps of erasing the data from those partitions.

STEP 4: Bypass LG OPID Mismatch Error

  1. Open the LGUP Tool, select Partition DL, and hit Start.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  2. The tool will now ask which partitions you need to flash.
  3. Uncheck the SID_A and SID_B partitions and hit OK.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  4. If you are on any other carrier, then it will ask if you wish to change the model number, reply accordingly.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8
  5. The process will now begin and once done, your device will boot up to the OS. The first boot might take up to a couple of minutes.
    Crossflash and Bypass OPID Mismatched Error in LG G8

That’s it. These were the steps to perform a crossflash and bypass the OPID Mismatched error in LG G8. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest. And a huge thanks to XDA Senior Member netmsm without whom this guide wouldn’t have been possible!
