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Unblock/Whitelist Pixel Update URL: How to Fix

In this guide, we will show you the steps to unblock or whitelist the Pixel Update URL. Pixel devices are always the front runners when it comes to software updates. Whether it’s the monthly security patches or major OS upgrades, Pixel is the earliest adopter of these updates. However, in some instances, you might not be able to get hold of the update, even if Google has released it from their end.

There could be quite a few reasons for the same, one among them being the fact that your ISP might have blocked the URL corresponding to Google’s update servers. While chances of that are rare, but we are witnessing some reports of the same in recent years, so this reason cannot be neglected altogether.

unblock Pixel Update URL

So this calls for two questions- how to verify if your Internet Service Provider has indeed blocked the Pixel Update URL and if that is the case, then how could you unlock/whitelist it on your own [without asking the ISP to get this job done]? Without further ado, let’s check it out.

How to Check if ISP has Blocked Pixel Update URL

unblock Pixel Update URL

Connect your device to the concerned network and then head over to https://ota.googlezip.net/. If you get the result “404. That’s an error.” then the URL is not blocked by your ISP. However, if you get any other error/warning or if the page is simply blank, then your ISP has indeed blocked the update URL. 

unblock Pixel Update URL

How to Unblock/Whitelist Pixel Update URL

  • If you have verified that your ISP has blocked the update URL, then your best course of action is to use a VPN, change the region, and then retry downloading the update.unblock Pixel Update URL
  • On the other hand, if you got “404. That’s an error.”, then the URL is not blocked by your ISP and you could try downloading the update via carrier data [if you have a sufficient data plan].
  • Furthermore, irrespective of the fact whether the URL is blocked or not, you always have the option to install the latest update via ADB Sideload, so you could give it a try as well.unblock Pixel Update URL

So this was all from this guide on how you could unblock or whitelist the Pixel Update URL. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.
