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How to Hide Blank Space from Settings menu in Samsung One UI

In this guide, we will show you the steps to hide the blank space from the Settings menu in Samsung One UI. Every OEM has its own customized OS skin which gives them a differentiating factor from the other players in the town. In this regard, the one from Samsung beholds a slew of customizations and features, and at the same time, it has done exceptionally well to maintain the overall stability of the OS as well.

However, there’s just one caveat that some users want to get rid of- the additional unnecessary space at the top of every menu. While this is usually done so that users could easily get access to all the menus on these large screens using just one hand, but there already exists a one-handed mode option for that.

Moroever, this excessive space at the bottom only ends up running the entire UI/UX experience for some. If you also echo the same thought process, then this guide will make you aware of a nifty workaround that should help you hide the blank space from the Settings menu on your Samsung One UI. So without further ado, let’s check it out.

How to Hide Blank Space in Settings menu in Samsung One UI

Hide Blank Space from Settings in One UI

As of now, your best bet is to hide the Accounts section from the Settings menu at the top. While this wouldn’t completely remove the blank space, it will at least remove the accounts section from the top and the unnecessary space will definitely get minimized to an extent. So refer to the below steps to carry out this task:

  1. Launch GoodLock and go to RegiStar.
  2. Then select Customize your Settings home
  3. Now enable the toggle next to Hide an email address.Hide Blank Space from Settings in One UI
  4. Then go to Menu Order and Group Settings.
  5. Now uncheck Samsung account and hit Save.

That’s it. This is the only workaround that should help you hide the blank space from the Settings menu in Samsung One UI. While it’s not the best way of getting this job done and neither does it do the job in full essence, but for a non-rooted Samsung device, this is the maximum that we could for. After all, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush!
