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How to Install & Run Windows 11 on Pixel 6A/6/Pro/7/Pro

In this guide, we will show you the steps to install and run Windows 11 on Pixel 6A/6/Pro/7/Pro. We, the tech enthusiasts, usually like to stroll the uncharted territory and carry out a plethora of tweaks, some of which might not have a valid reason as to why we attempted to execute that task in the first place. And that’s completely normal. The only reasoning behind those tweaks could be that they were in sync with our requirements as well as interest.

And the tweak that we are about to discuss now falls in the exact same category. In this guide, we will show you the steps to install and run Windows 11 on Pixel 6A/6/Pro/7/Pro. After all, who wouldn’t;t like to test out the latest OS build for our PC onto our beloved Pixel devices? Moreover, it might give us the perfect platform to test out the yesteryear classics like Doom and Prince of Persia directly on your smartphone. So without any further delay, let’s get started.

How to Install and Run Windows 11 on Pixel 6A/6/Pro/7/Pro

install windows 11 pixel 7 pro

  1. To begin with, you’ll have to root your device via Magisk.
  2. Then download and flash the KVM Module via Magisk.install windows 11 pixel 7 pro
  3. Now get hold of a Windows system drive file. In this regard, you could either download the Windows Insider Preview ARM64 vmdk or use an M1 Mac and UTM to obtain a Windows qcow2 drive file.
  4. As for this guide, we will be using the Windows qcow2 drive file, which you could directly download from here: win11_raw.qcow2.zip. Once downloaded, transfer the file to your device.
  5. Then download the UTM’s SPICE ARM64 driver on your device.
  6. Now download and install the Limbo app onto your device.
  7. Then launch the app and tap Grant in the Magisk pop-up.install windows 11 pixel 7 pro
  8. Now tap on None at the top right and select New. Give your machine a name and hit Create.install windows 11 pixel 7 pro
  9. Then set up the machine exactly as mentioned below:
    Machine Type: virt
    CPU Model: Deafult or host
    CPU Cores: 4-6 Cores
    RAM Memory: 3072 MB or larger (4096 MB or more is better)
    Enable UEFI
    Enable KVM
    Enable Full UEFI
    Enable 100% Success Mode
    install windows 11 pixel 7 pro
    Use the Windows qcow2 or Insider Preview ARM64 vmdk.
    install windows 11 pixel 7 pro
    Mount the SPICE tools ISO here.
    install windows 11 pixel 7 pro
    Do not modify.
    Use virtio-ramfb.
    install windows 11 pixel 7 pro
    Network: Use 'User.'
    Network Card: Use virtio (install SPICE driver first).
    Host Forward: Forward RDP port with tcp:3389:3389.
    install windows 11 pixel 7 pro
  10. Once everything is done, hit the Run button. You’ll get a prompt, tap OK.install windows 11 pixel 7 pro
  11. That’s it. Windows 11 should be up and running on your Pixel 6/7 series.

So these were the steps to install and run Windows 11 on Pixel 6A/6/Pro/7/Pro. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.

  • Pixel 7 pro. Limbo crashes

    ——— beginning of main
    07-13 17:30:46.220 24246 24338 D MachineService: Starting VM: win11
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: Params:
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 0: -display
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 1: vnc=:0
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 2: -device
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 3: qemu-xhci,id=usb-bus
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 4: -device
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 5: usb-tablet,bus=usb-bus.0
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 6: -device
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 7: usb-kbd,bus=usb-bus.0
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 8: -L
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 9: /data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo/
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 10: -smp
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 11: 5
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 12: -M
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 13: virt-2.9
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 14: -cpu
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 15: host
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 16: -m
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 17: 3328
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 18: -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,file=/data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo//edk2/edk2_qemu_aarch64.fd,readonly=on
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 19: -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=/data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo//edk2/edk2_vars.fd
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 20: -accel kvm
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 21: -device nvme,drive=drive0,serial=drive0,bootindex=01
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 22: -drive
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 23: if=none,media=disk,id=drive0,file=/storage/emulated/0/win11.qcow2
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 24: -device usb-storage,drive=cdrom0,removable=true,bootindex=0,bus=usb-bus.0
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 25: -drive
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 26: if=none,media=cdrom,id=cdrom0,file=/storage/emulated/0/spice-guest-tools-0.164.4.iso
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 27: -device
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 28: virtio-ramfb
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 29: -net
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 30: user,hostfwd=tcp::3389-:3389
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 31: -net
    07-13 17:30:46.233 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: 32: nic,model=virtio
    07-13 17:30:46.236 24246 24338 D SHELL_IN: chmod 711 /data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo//bin/qemu-system-aarch64
    07-13 17:30:46.261 24246 24262 D SHELLOUT: (exit code: 0)
    07-13 17:30:46.257 24265 24265 W sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:1625): avc: denied { read } for name=”/” dev=”dm-7″ ino=2 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c102,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0 app=com.limbo.emu.main.arm
    07-13 17:30:46.262 24246 24262 D SHELLOUT: /
    07-13 17:30:46.262 24246 24262 D SHELLOUT: (exit code: 0)
    07-13 17:30:46.263 24246 24338 D VMExecutor: /data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo//bin/qemu-system-aarch64 -display vnc=:0 -device qemu-xhci,id=usb-bus -device usb-tablet,bus=usb-bus.0 -device usb-kbd,bus=usb-bus.0 -L /data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo/ -smp 5 -M virt-2.9 -cpu host -m 3328 -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,file=/data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo//edk2/edk2_qemu_aarch64.fd,readonly=on -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=/data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo//edk2/edk2_vars.fd -accel kvm -device nvme,drive=drive0,serial=drive0,bootindex=01 -drive if=none,media=disk,id=drive0,file=/storage/emulated/0/win11.qcow2 -device usb-storage,drive=cdrom0,removable=true,bootindex=0,bus=usb-bus.0 -drive if=none,media=cdrom,id=cdrom0,file=/storage/emulated/0/spice-guest-tools-0.164.4.iso -device virtio-ramfb -net user,hostfwd=tcp::3389-:3389 -net nic,model=virtio
    07-13 17:30:46.263 24246 24338 D SHELL_IN: taskset f /data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo//bin/qemu-system-aarch64 -display vnc=:0 -device qemu-xhci,id=usb-bus -device usb-tablet,bus=usb-bus.0 -device usb-kbd,bus=usb-bus.0 -L /data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo/ -smp 5 -M virt-2.9 -cpu host -m 3328 -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,file=/data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo//edk2/edk2_qemu_aarch64.fd,readonly=on -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=/data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo//edk2/edk2_vars.fd -accel kvm -device nvme,drive=drive0,serial=drive0,bootindex=01 -drive if=none,media=disk,id=drive0,file=/storage/emulated/0/win11.qcow2 -device usb-storage,drive=cdrom0,removable=true,bootindex=0,bus=usb-bus.0 -drive if=none,media=cdrom,id=cdrom0,file=/storage/emulated/0/spice-guest-tools-0.164.4.iso -device virtio-ramfb -net user,hostfwd=tcp::3389-:3389 -net nic,model=virtio
    07-13 17:30:46.281 24348 24348 W taskset : type=1400 audit(0.0:1626): avc: granted { execute } for name=”qemu-system-aarch64″ dev=”dm-44″ ino=70098 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c102,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c102,c257,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.limbo.emu.main.arm
    07-13 17:30:46.285 24348 24348 W taskset : type=1400 audit(0.0:1627): avc: denied { execute_no_trans } for path=”/data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo/bin/qemu-system-aarch64″ dev=”dm-44″ ino=70098 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c102,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c102,c257,c512,c768 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.limbo.emu.main.arm
    07-13 17:30:46.289 24246 24268 D SHELLOUT: taskset: exec /data/user/0/com.limbo.emu.main.arm/cache/limbo//bin/qemu-system-aarch64: Permission denied
    07-13 17:30:46.290 24246 24262 D SHELLOUT: (exit code: 126)
    07-13 17:30:46.291 24246 24338 E MachineService: QEMU return error!
    07-13 17:30:48.302 24246 24338 D MachineService: Exiting Limbo
    07-13 17:30:48.302 24246 24246 D MachineService: Service destroyed