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How to Unlock Bootloader on any Samsung Device [New VaultKeeper Method]

In this tutorial, we will show you the steps to unlock the bootloader on any Samsung device. The OEM is making some considerable progress when it comes to releasing software upgrades. From OneUI 2.0 to 2.5 and now to 3.0, it has been nothing short of commendable (considering their earlier track records). With each new update, device optimizations and system stability improvements are always there. Apart from that, there are additions of a slew of distinct features. Likewise, the customization opportunities are also quickly expanding with each new bump in the OneUI version.

However, these are just the beginning. There are a plethora of other modifications that you could make full use of. Flashing custom binaries, gaining administrative rights, and replacing the device’s stock recovery with a custom one are just some of the noteworthy ones. There is just one prerequisite that you need to a checkmark, and that is an unlocked bootloader. And in this guide, we will help you with just that. Given below are the steps to unlock the bootloader on any Samsung device, keeping in mind the new VaultKeeper security check.

Samsung Unlock Bootloader: Benefits and Risks

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Unlocking your device’s bootloader is like opening the gate to a plethora of opportunities. You could flash various Custom ROMs, install Custom Recovery (like TWRP), try out tons of mods and hacks, and most importantly- root your device. The latter could be done via TWRP (flashing Magisk ZIP via TWRP) or without TWRP (by patching and flashing the stock boot. img). After you get administrative privileges, you could then try out a ton of Magisk ModulesXposed Framework, Substratum Themes, and Viper4Android, among others.

However, they do bring in a few uninvited risks as well. To begin with, it will trip the Knox counter of your device. This will straightway make your Samsung device’s warranty null and void. Furthermore, all the apps that depend on this Knox will no longer function. These include the likes of Samsung Pay and Secure Folder. Likewise, apps like Google Pay and Pokeom Go might no longer function.

Netlfix Widevine L1 Certification will also be degraded to L3, as a result, you won’t be able to watch videos in HD. The SafetyNet and Play will be triggered [FIXED], and Play Integrity will fail [FIXED] thereby preventing you from using banking apps [FIXED]. So, if you are ready to proceed ahead, then here are the steps to unlock the bootloader on your Samsung device.Even if you restore the stock OS and re-lock the bootloader, many of the Samsung Knox-related features will still not function. So proceed ahead with caution!

How to Unlock Bootloader on any Samsung Device [New VaultKeeper Method]

Well, the OEM had already put in a few stringent measures in the form of Prenormal RMM State and DEFEX. Add to it the New Vaultkeeper mechanism, and things turned out to be quite complicated. Fortunately, its fix is relatively simple and we have shared that below. Before this mechanism was introduced, you only had to enable a toggle, and your job was done. However, now you will have to execute a few extra efforts as well.

Thankfully, they are easy to do and take only a few seconds. So on that note, let’s get started. The below process will wipe off all the data from your device. So take a complete device backup and only then proceed ahead. Droidwin and its members wouldn’t be held responsible in case of a thermonuclear war, your alarm doesn’t wake you up, or if anything happens to your device and data by performing the below steps.

An Important Note regarding US Snapdragon Devices

If you own a Samsung device from the US that has a Snapdragon chipset, then you wouldn’t be able to unlock its bootloader because there will be no OEM Unlock toggle to begin with. Likewise, some carriers in the US have also blocked the ability to unlock the bootloader on Samsung devices. In all these cases, you’re unfortunately out of luck with the official method and you’re only course of action is to opt for third-party paid service.

With that said, if you don’t live in the US and have a Snapdragon device, then also the OEM Unlock toggle might be missing. In such instances, you could fix that issue using the steps listed below [the process will wipe off all the data from your device, so please take a backup beforehand]:

  1. To begin with, turn off the WiFi on your device.
  2. Then, remove the SIM card from your device as well.
  3. Now disable Developer Options on your device [if enabled].
  4. After that, perform a factory reset from the Settings menu.samsung One UI 6 Lagging
  5. Once the reset is complete, you will be taken to the setup screen.
  6. Do not set up your device now. Instead, go straight to the OS and enable WiFi.
  7. Then re-enable Developer Options and you should now see the OEM Unlock option.
  8. Once it appears, enable it right away. You may then re-insert the SIM if required.

STEP 1: Enable Developer Options on Samsung

  1. First and foremost, you will have to enable Developer Options on your device.
  2. So go to Settings on your device and head over to About phone.
  3. Then go to Software information and continuously tap on Build Number 7 times.enable developer options in samsung
  4. You will then get a toast message that Developer Options has been enabled.
  5. Go back to the Settings page and scroll to the end. You should see the Developer Options.

STEP 2: Enable OEM Unlocking on Samsung

  1. It’s now time to enable OEM Unlock on your device which will allow you to carry out the unlocking process.
  2. So go to Developer Options, and enable the ‘OEM Unlocking’ toggle.oem unlock samsung unlock bootloader
  3. Then tap on Turn on in the confirmation dialog box that appears.
  4. NOTE: If you don’t see the OEM Unlock option or if it is greyed out, then refer to this guide: How to Fix Missing OEM Unlock in Samsung Devices.

STEP 3: Boot Samsung Device to Download Mode

Well, there is no universal method to boot your device to Download Mode. different Samsung devices take diverse routes for the same. Therefore please refer to our guide on How to Boot any Samsung Device to Download Mode. This guide covers all the Samsung devices. Furthermore, we have also shared a method to boot to download mode without any hardware keys, you may try it out as well. With that said, the below steps might be enough to get the job done:

  1. Start by powering off your device,
  2. Then press and hold Vol Up + Vol Down together and connect your device to the PC via a USB cable.
    Unlock Bootloader Galaxy S24 Ultra
  3. As soon as you see the Warning message on your device, release the pressed keys.
  4. Finally, press the Volume Up key once and your device will be booted to Download Mode.

STEP 4: Unlock Bootloader on Samsung via Download Mode

  1. Now that your device is booted to Download Mode, press and hold the Volume Up key for a few seconds.
    warning download mode samsung
  2. This will take you to the Device unlock mode (make sure you have taken a backup).
  3. You will now get a confirmation message, use the Volume Up button to reply to the affirmation.
    unlock bootloader confirmation samsung
  4. The process will now begin and should be completed within a few seconds. Your device should then automatically boot up.
  5. But wait, there’s more! Now the Vaultkeeper mechanism will come into the picture. Let’s deal with it and apply the finishing touch

STEP 5: Verify Samsung Bootloader Status with Vaultkeeper

  1. You will now have to notify the Vaultkeeper that you unlocked the device’s bootloader.
  2. To do so, head over to Settings and enable Developer Options as mentioned in STEP 1.
  3. Then go to Developer options and make sure that the OEM unlocking toggle is turned on and is greyed out as well. That’s it.samsung oem unlocking

With this, we conclude the guide on how to unlock the bootloader on any Samsung device. We have listed the steps keeping in mind the new Vaultkeeper mechanism. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments section below. We will get back to you with the solution at the earliest.
