.Google’s Pixel lineup has always been into some kind of conspiracy or criticism. Same is the case with Google’s latest smartphone which was launched in Septemeber 2019. Google Pixel 4 and 4 XL. Both the smartphones are powered by Snapdragon 855 coupled with 6 GB of RAM and have 90 Hz of refresh rate. The main key feature which Google introduced with Pixel 4 was the project soli radar system. The phone doesn’t have a fingerprint scanner for security and unlocking the phone. Instead, it has 3D depth-sensing face unlock which google claims to be very secure and can be used for payment authentication. But there was a security flaw which Google fixed in this feature update of Pixel 4 April update. The phone also features a new telephoto lens which can zoom in the photo without losing the detailing of the photo and Google calls it ‘ hi-res zoom’.
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The feature Drop Updates of Pixel
Google releases an update every month for their Pixel lineup which consists of some bug fixes along with the latest security patches. But that’s not all Google also pushes some new features through feature drop updates for pixel. Like in the previous month Pixel 4 got auto-detection of a car crash, schedule dark mode and pinning of apps on the sharing screen. All of these features were not present at the launch of Pixel 4 but were made available gradually via feature drop updates for Pixel.
The Face Unlock of Pixel 4
Since we all know that Pixel 4 series uses 3D depth sensors to recognise the face to unlock the phone. The problem with the face unlock was that it was getting unlocked even if people weren’t looking at the phone or even if their eyes were closed. This was a major security compromise as someone else can show the phone to your face and unlock it.
So recently Google released an update for Pixel 4. This update gave a toggle to turn on which says unlocking the phone requires eyes to be opened. The changelog also fixes some memory leaks which was causing apps to reload or crash. Henceforth, the full changelog is right below for the Pixel devices.