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How to Pass SafetyNet on Rooted crDroid ROM [Video]

In this guide, we will show you the steps to pass Safetynet on your rooted crDroid ROM. As of now, there are a plethora of custom ROMs to choose from. Most of them are based on stock AOSP and offer just the bare minimum of additional features. And to be fair, it is sufficient enough to checkmark the requirements for everyday users. However, there still exists a niche segment of users who wishes to tweak even the minor details of the OS.  For them, crDroid is just the perfect gift.

Just have a look at the crDroid Settings and OPlus Extras section and you’ll get an idea. And that’s not it. You could add more functionalities to this ROM and welcome abode a plethora of mods once you attain root. But once you do so, the Safetynet flag will be tripped and you might not be able to use banking and payment apps. To overcome these issues, you’ll have to pass Safetynet on your rooted crDroid ROM. And this guide will show you how to do just that. Follow along.

How to Pass SafetyNet on Rooted crDroid ROM

YouTube video

The below instructions are listed under separate sections for ease of understanding. Make sure to follow the same sequence as mentioned. Droidwin and its members wouldn’t be held responsible in case of a thermonuclear war, your alarm doesn’t wake you up, or if anything happens to your device and data by performing the below steps.

STEP 1: Hide Magisk App

  1. Launch the Magisk App and tap on the settings icon situated at the top right.
  2. Then tap on Hide the Magisk App > Enable the toggle next to Allow apps from this source.Pass SafetyNet crDroid
  3. Assign a new random name to this Magisk app and hit OK.
  4. It will now ask for a home-screen shortcut, tap OK [optional].Pass SafetyNet crDroid

STEP 2: Enable Systemless Hosts

  1. Launch the Magisk App and tap on the settings icon situated at the top right.
  2. Then tap on Systemless hosts.
  3. Now go to the Modules section and verify that it has been added.Pass SafetyNet crDroid

STEP 3: Enable Zygisk

  1. Launch the Magisk App and tap on the settings icon situated at the top right.
  2. Then enable the toggle next to Zygisk and restart your phone.
  3. Now launch Magisk and make sure that it says YES next to Zygisk.Pass SafetyNet crDroid

STEP 4: Configure Denylist

Denylist is the new name for the traditional Magisk hide. You could use this functionality to hide root from the desired apps, apart from the three compulsory apps listed below.

  1. Launch the Magisk App and tap on the settings icon situated at the top right.
  2. Then enable the toggle next to Enforce Denylist. Now tap on Configure Denylist.
  3. Then expand the following apps and checkmark all its services
    Google Play Service
    Google Play Store
    Google Service Framework
    Google Play Protect Service [if present]

    Pass SafetyNet crDroid

  4. After that, do the same for the banking/payment app of your choice.
  5. NOTE: Upon restart, the Google Service Framework might get unchecked and Google Play Services might be missing from the DenyList. This is just a UI bug and nothing to worry about [they are still active in the backend].

STEP 5: Flash Universal SafetyNet Fix Module

  1. Download the new Universal SafetyNet Fix module from below [Source: GitHub]:
  2. Then launch Magisk, go to the Modules section, and tap on Install from Storage.Pass SafetyNet crDroid
  3. Navigate to the downloaded safetynet module and select it.
  4. It will now be flashed. Once done, hit Reboot.

STEP 6: Delete Data

You will now have to delete the app data of all the apps from which you have hidden root. These include the compulsory Google apps and the desired apps of your choice.

  1. Head over to Settings > Apps and select Google Play Service.
  2. Then go to its Storage section and tap on Manage Space > Clear all data.
  3. After that, delete the data of the Google Play Store and Google Play Protect Service [if present].
  4. Then tap on the overflow icon situated at the top right and select Show System.Pass SafetyNet crDroid
  5. This will bring up the system apps. Select Google Service Framework and delete its data.
  6. Finally, delete the data of the banking/payment apps from which you have hidden root. Once done, restart your device [compulsory].

STEP 7: Check SafetyNet Test Results

  1. Download and install the YASNAC app from Play Store.
  2. Then launch it and tap on Run SafetyNet Attestation.
  3. You should now get Pass under both Basic Integrity and CTS Profile Match.Pass SafetyNet crDroid

That’s it. these were the steps to pass SafetyNet on your rooted LineageOS ROM. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.
