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How to Install JamesDSP Audio Mod on Non Rooted Android

In this guide, we will show you the steps to install the JamesDSP Audio Mod on your non rooted Android device. Gaining administrative privileges by rooting the device via Magisk/KernelSU/Apatch has for long been the tech enthusiast’s favorite toy. Right from the ability to install custom mods and binaries to overclocking/underclocking the CPU/GPU by flashing the custom kernel, the possibilities stands endless.

However, in the recent years, even the geeks are having to give a second thought when it comes to rooting their devices. And the stringent measures implentned by Google has a major role to play in that. Be it the SafetyNet and Play Integrity tests fail which will result in your inability to use banking and payment apps [though there’a a fix] or the lowering of WideVine L1 Certification to L3, the caveats associated with rooting is on a forever decline.

As a result of this, modules have proven to be a direct sufferer for the same, though nothing more than the ones belonging to the audio domain, such as Viper4Android. But while you cannot do much with regards to the aforementioned mod, its counterpart, JamesDSP seems to be doing quite an impressive job in the non-rooted ecosystem. So without any further ado, let’s make you aware of the steps to install the JamesDSP Audio Mod on your non rooted Android device.

How to Install JamesDSP Audio Mod on Non Rooted Android Device

JamesDSP non rooted android device

  1. First off, download, install, and set up Shizuku on your device.Install JamesDSP Audio Mod on Non Rooted Android
  2. Now install the Ashell app and grant it the Shizuku permission.
  3. Finally, type in the below three commands, one at a time:
    pm grant me.timschneeberger.rootlessjamesdsp android.permission.DUMP
    appops set me.timschneeberger.rootlessjamesdsp PROJECT_MEDIA allow
    appops set me.timschneeberger.rootlessjamesdsp SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow

That’s it. JamesDSP will now work on your non-rooted Android device. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution as soon as possible.
