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Flashed Incorrect DDR XBL Images on OnePlus? Here’s the Fix!

In this guide, we will show you the steps to fix the issue of flashing an incorrect DDR XBL image on your OnePlus device. While OnePlus devices are among the most active players in the custom development [well, except for the 10th series], they do bring about their fair share of challenges as well. And this couldn’t be documented any better than the eighth series users.

For the unaware, all the OnePlus 8T devices that were launched prior to March 2021 come with LPDDR4 whereas those launched after that come with LPDDR5. As a result, the devices with LPDDR5 need to flash xbl*_lp5 images whereas those with LPDDR4 should flash xbl* images without _lp5. Unfortunately, not many are aware of this rule and there are many instances wherein users end up flashing an incorrect XBL file, either via Fastboot or MSM Download Tool.

When that happens, their device straightaway gets hard bricked. Fortunately, These Oneplus devices come with a Qualcomm chipset and hence they have an alternate boot mode in the form of Emergency Download Mode. Using this mode, you can flash the OFP firmware and bring your device back to life. And in this guide, we will show you how to do just that. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Flashed Incorrect DDR XBL Images on OnePlus? Here’s the Fix!

Flashed Incorrect DDR XBL Images on OnePlus

  1. First off, download and install Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 Drivers.
  2. Then download and extract the MSM Download Tool on your PC.
    Flashed Incorrect DDR XBL Images on OnePlus
  3. Then launch the MSM Tool by double-clicking on the MsmDownloadTool V4.0.exe file.
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  4. In the Login screen, select Others under User Type. Leave Username and Password blank and click Next.
    Flashed Incorrect DDR XBL Images on OnePlus
  5. Now power off your device [if that is not already the case]
  6. Then press and hold the Volume Up and Volume Down keys together.
  7. With both these keys pressed, connect your device to the PC via the USB cable.
  8. Your device will now reboot to EDL Mode. You may verify the same from Device Manager [it should be listed as Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 under Ports].Flashed Incorrect DDR XBL Images on OnePlus
  9. You can also verify it from the COM/Status of Connection section.
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  10. NOTE: If your PC is unable to identify your device, you might have to then use the EDL Deep Flash Cable see FAQ 1].
  11. Moving on, now press Start to initiate the flashing process. It could take a few minutes for the process to complete.
  12. Once done, you will be notified of the same and your device will automatically boot to the OS.
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That’s it. These were the steps to fix the issue of flashing an incorrect DDR XBL image on your OnePlus device. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.

FAQ 1: How to Use EDL Deep Flash Cable

In some instances, your PC might not be able to identify the connected device in Emergency Download Mode. In those cases, try using a different USB cable and a different port [and even a different PC if possible]. But if nothing works out, then you’ll have to take the help of EDL Deep Flash Cable. Here’s how you can boot your device to EDL Mode using the Deep Flash cable [make sure the MSM Download Tool is up and ready in the backend]:

deep flash cable

  1. First off, connect the cable to your device – but not to your PC yet.
  2. Then press the Deep Flash button on the cable.
  3. While you are pressing the button, connect the other side of the cable to your PC
  4. Finally, release the button when the device is connected in the EDL Mode.
