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How to Convert any User App to System App via Magisk

In this guide, we will show you the steps to convert any user app to a system app via Magisk. The Android OS consists of two different types of app ecosystem- the user installed and the system apps. So what’s the difference between both of them? Well, the user-installed ones are the apps that have been manually installed by users themselves, either from the Play Store or via Sideloading. On the other hand, system apps come pre-installed on your device and are responsible for handling all the important components of your device.

For example, Dialer and Messaging are the system apps. So when apps have been nearly categorized into two different sections, why is there a need to interchange their domains? In other words, why should you convert any User App to System App via Magisk? Well, it’s mostly due to the plethora of benefits that it brings in with itself. Let’s check out some of the most useful ones, after which, we will also list out the detailed instruction steps to carry out this conversion. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Why Should I Convert a User App to System App

How to Convert any User App to System App via Magisk

One major reason why users prefer to carry out this conversion is the plentitude of perks associated with it. First and foremost, that app would straightaway get higher administrative level privileges and much more freedom to work upon. This would automatically be a boon for battery optimizers apps such as Greenify. Along the same lines, these apps would also be enjoying a higher degree of security.

This is because system apps cannot be easily uninstalled from your device (it requires the usage of ADB Commands). Likewise, all these goodies would be welcomed with open hands by those apps that continuously function on your device, such as a custom launcher. As far as the updates of these apps are concerned, well you could easily update them normally from the Play Store.

The only thing that you should keep in mind is that you should only convert a trustworthy user app to a system app via Magisk. This is because since that app would now be enjoying a much greater degree of freedom, untrusted apps could exploit this power in the wrong direction as well. So keeping this point in mind, let’s get started.

How to Convert any User App to System App via Magisk

Well, it goes without saying that you will need to have a rooted Android device. If you haven’t done so, then please refer to our guide to Root Android via Magisk patched boot.img (without TWRP). Once you have check-marked this requirement, you may proceed ahead with the below instructions:

  1. To begin with, launch the Magisk App onto your device.
  2. Then tap on the Modules icon followed by the Search icon situated at the bottom right.
  3. .Now search for the App Systemizer module and install it right away.
    How to Convert User App to System App
  4. Once the installation is complete, hit the Reboot button.
  5. Once your device boots up, go to Play Store and download and install the BusyBox app.
  6. Then launch the app, Grant it the Magisk request, and hit the Install button situated at the bottom left.
    How to Convert User App to System App
  7. Once the installation is complete, go to Play Store and this time download a Terminal Emulator app such as Termux.
  8. Launch Termux and type in the below command:
  9. You will get a Magisk request, hit Grant. Once that is done, type in the below keyword and hit Enter:
  10. The App Systemizer module will now be loaded. Type in your choice and hit Enter. As for this guide, we are going ahead with the first option- Systemize Installed App (Listed). So type 1 and press Enter.
    How to Convert User App to System App
  11. It will now bring up a list of all the installed apps. Type in the number next to the app that needs to be systemized.
  12. As an example, let’s systemize the Solid Explorer app. So in my case, I would type in 13 and hit Enter [See Note in the end].
  13. After this, it will ask for the installation location, let’s stick with the traditional /system/app. So type in 1 and hit Enter.
    How to Convert User App to System App
  14. Finally, it will ask you to reboot the device to apply the changes. So type in Y and press Enter.
  15. Your device will now restart and the said app will be converted to the system app via Magisk.

NOTE: If you wish to convert more than one app to a system app via Magisk, then type in their positions separated by spaces in a single line. For example, using the screenshot after Step 10 as a context, typing in 2 12 16  will convert Duo, Snapchat, and Zoom to system apps.

How to Verify if App has been Converted to System App

To check if the user app has been converted to the system app, let’s just carry out a simple step. Simply head over to that app’s App Info page and you would no longer see the Uninstall option, rather it would have been replaced with the Disable button. This signifies that the app has been successfully converted to a System app.

How to Convert User App to System App
Left: Uninstall option replaced with Disable. Right: App Package under System Partition

To perform a slightly more technical test, you may use a File Explorer app and browse to the location where the app has been installed (in our case, that will be /system/app). There you should find a folder by the name of that app’s package name, which in my case is pl.solidexplorer2 for the Solid Explorer File Manager app.

That’s it. So with this, we round off the guide on how you could convert any user app to a system app via Magisk. If you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.
