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Cannot Access OneDrive Files via Spotlight on Mac [Fix]

In this guide, we will show you how to fix the issue of being unable to access the OneDrive files and folders via Spotlight search on Mac. In normal circumstances, when you perform a search for your OneDrive files using mac’s built-in search tool, then it will bring up the same in the search result along with the icon of that file/folder. However, as of late, it now only displays the OneDrive icon next to all files and folders.

To make the matter worse, if you select a file/folder and use the Command + Enter shortcut keys, then instead of taking you to that file/folder location, it will now take you to the OneDrive app location [Finder > Applications folder] which is of no help to us. This tends to happen even if the OneDrive folders are set to “Always Keep on This Device”.

While many have reported that this issue started after the macOS Ventura update, others are pointing fingers at the latest OneDrive 13.1b2 version. While the culprit is yet to be identified, there does exist a nifty workaround that might help you mitigate this bug. So without further ado, let’s check it out.

Fix Cannot Access OneDrive Files via Spotlight on Mac

Cannot Access OneDrive Files via Spotlight

Instead of directly launching Spotlight Search via Command + Space, you should instead use Spotlight’s ‘Search in Finder’ feature. You could either do so by searching inside the Finder window itself or by invoking the Spotlight Search via Command + Space, scrolling to the end, and then selecting Search in Finder. While it would require an additional step, but would actually take you to the file/folder’s correct location, so it will be worth the effort.

Cannot Access OneDrive Files via Spotlight

On that note, we round off this guide on how you could fix the issue of being unable to access the OneDrive files and folders via Spotlight search on Mac. As far as the official stance on this matter is concerned, the developers are yet to acknowledge this issue, let alone give out any ETA for the rollout of a fix. As and when any of these two things happen, we will update this guide accordingly. In the meantime, the aforementioned workaround is your best bet.
