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Bypass Login MSM Download Tool OnePlus 10 Pro

In this guide, we will show you the steps to bypass MSM Download Tool login for your OnePlus 10 Pro. While the OEM had picked up the downward trajectory for the past couple of years [all thanks to the incorporation of the ColorOS into OxygenOS], for us, the tech enthusiast, it was still the go-to choice. The major reason for the same was the fact OnePlus was among the very few OEMs whose devices could easily be unbricked right from the comfort of your home.

All that you needed to do was to boot your device to EDL Mode and then flash the OFP unbrick firmware via MS Tool. However, every good thing must come to an end. And same was the case with this tool as well, again all thanks to Oppo. You now required an authorized account to gain access to this tool. But in my experience in the custom development, these restrictions don’t last long either!

And guess what, we have already found a way out of this constraint as well. Thanks to this nifty method shared by XDA Member grovez, you could now easily bypass MSM Download Tool login for your OnePlus 10 Pro. And in this guide, we will show you how to do just that. So without further ado, let’s get started.

How to Bypass Login MSM Download Tool OnePlus 10 Pro

Bypass MSM Tool login

  1. To begin with, download the MSM Download Tool for the OnePlus 10 Pro.
  2. Then download 7ZIP [ it will be used to extract the EXE file] and HxD Hex Editor [it will be used to edit the EXE File].
  3. Now go to the extracted MSM Tool folder, right-click on the MSMDownlodTool.exe file, and select 7ZIP > Open Archive.Bypass Login MSM Download Tool
  4. Then extract the entire folder [though we only need the FTGUIDev.exe file, but it is dependent on other files, so extract all].Bypass Login MSM Download Tool
  5. Now open the Hex Editor, and drag and drop the FTGUIDev.exe file [present in the extracted folder] to the Hex Editor.Bypass Login MSM Download Tool
  6. After that, press Ctrl+F to bring up Find. Then go to the Hex-values tab, type in the below value, and hit OK.

    Bypass Login MSM Download Tool

  7. It will highlight the said value.Bypass Login MSM Download Tool
  8. Now change 84 in the above command to 85 and save the file via Ctrl+S. The above command will now become

    Bypass Login MSM Download Tool

  9. Now launch this edited FTGUIDev.exe file. It will bring up the login box. Select any region except for In Company.
  10. Then type in any random values in the User ID, Password, and Verify Code and click on Login.Bypass Login MSM Download Tool
  11. That’s it. You have now successfully bypassed the login screen on the MSM Download Tool login for your OnePlus 10 Pro.Bypass Login MSM Download Tool

Now that has been done, you will have to boot your device to the EDL Mode, install the Qualcomm H USB drivers, and then flash the unbrick firmware. To do so, you may refer to our detailed guide on How to Unbrick any OnePlus Device using MSM Download Tool. So on that note, we round off this guide on how you could bypass the MSM Download Tool login for your OnePlus 10 Pro.

As soon as I get my hands on a bricked OnePlus 10 Pro, I’ll try flashing the OFP firmware. The result will subsequently be posed as well. In the meantime, if you are able to carry out the said process, then do share your results with us in the comments section below. Likewise, if you have any queries concerning the aforementioned steps, do let us know in the comments. We will get back to you with a solution at the earliest.

UPDATE: New OnePlus EDL Flash Tool Leaked!

A new EDL Flash Tool for OnePlus, Oppo, and Realme has been leaked! Refer to this guide to bypass the login and flash the OFP Firmware to unbrick your device: Leaked EDL Flash Tool for OnePlus, Realme, and Oppo is here!
