The latest iteration of the OS beholds a slew of new and intriguing features. The ability to edit, unsend, and unread Messages, carry out tons of customizations to the lock screen, and revamped Live text and Focus Mode are being placed left, right, and center. Apart from that, there have been a few privacy-related changes introduced in iOS 16/iPadOS 16- out of which the Allow Paste pop-up could easily qualify to be the most infuriating one.
Allow Paste in iOS 16/iPadOS 16: Should it even exist?
For the unaware, when you copy a text from Source A and then paste it into Source B, then the iPhone will first ask for your permission first. So what’s wrong with that? Well, the device would tend to ask this permission every time you copy/paste the text from the same source. There is no option permanently allow the ability to copy/paste the text between two specific sources.
For example, whenever I tend to copy a text from Safari and paste it into the Notes app, I will always have to tap on Allow Paste before the text could be pasted. As opposed to other ecosystems [such as Android], there is no “Always Allow”/ “Allow while using the app” option. And this is what doesn’t add up.
Since I have authorized an app once, why do I need to do so every time? Moreover, since I have copied an item, it is quite obvious that my next course of action should be to paste it, so why is there a need to ask for the same via the “Allow Paste” pop-up? What is even more infuriating is the fact this pop-up, along with all the animations that it beholds, takes its fair share of time to come and go. And during that time frame, you cannot interact with your device.
To counter-argument it, you might say that the entire process hardly takes a second or two. While that is correct, but we are here talking about a task with which we interact a countless number of times throughout the day. So carrying out the same tasks over and over again would definitely result in the rise of infuriation exponentially!
Another user came up to me with his justification for this implementation. According to him, the main reason why Apple has done this is to make sure that third-party apps cannot access your clipboard without your consent. So if that is the reason, well then I hate to say that the entire implementation is bugged! This is because when it comes to the permission part, then the concerned app should only ask it during the first time usage, and not bug us 24×7.
Moroever, even if we end up granting incorrect permission the first time around, then we still have an option to change it from the Settings menu. All in all, this Allow Paste feature in iOS 16/iPadOS 16 doesn’t make any sense to me [neither did the additional swipe-up gesture to access notifications]. If it does to you, then we would love to hear your opinions. So do let us know via the comment section below.